What happened: That pesty social media stuff just won’t go away! BizReport recently reported, “Marketers love buzz, hate buzzwords. Marketers say they’re tired of hearing social-media buzzwords — but also that they’re more determined than ever to integrate social strategies into their marketing efforts. Two new surveys show marketers are embracing social media, with 70% planning new social campaigns in the coming year and about two-thirds saying that social tools are either important or critical to their campaigns’ success.”

Why it matters: No one likes being left out. Out in the rain. Out of the in-crowd. Out of the inner circle. Out of touch. Out to lunch. And no one likes being down and out. That’s worse. So as the market heats up in both b2b and consumer markets and as smart marketers get on board, the time to get on the inside track is coming to a close. In social media and soon business in general, you’re going to be either in or out in much the same way media markets behave. First there are the early adopters, then the leaders go in, then the mass, then a new market is born. At that point, you’re either in or out.