
Change is difficult for many people, leaders included. If you search on Google, “Organizational Change,” about 6,000,000 results will be delivered to your browser! Clearly this is a topic that has been well researched and discussed for a very long time. Some conclude that each organization must guide its own destiny by putting in place its special brand of leadership. Others point to organizations that tried to make a transformation that ended in frustration while others attest that the process introduced new problems that didn’t exist before they began their transitional program.

Successful drivers are often categorized in two big areas: Internal organizational satisfaction for a job well done, and External satisfaction by those being served. When someone is truly interested in accomplishing their goals, they find satisfaction in the work they are doing. Those being served, on the other hand, feel positively with organizations that reflect their values and principles. It can be very negative if those being served discontinue their allegiance because of something the organization said or did or didn’t say and didn’t do.

Here are four types of organizational changes that make an organization stronger:

  1. Tweak – small adjustments to current People and Resources using the organization’s current Vision and Organizational Structure (i.e.: adding a specific program, adjusting a schedule, etc.).
  2. Transition – some changes to People and Resources using the organization’s current Vision and Organizational Structure (moving a department under another area; changing a leader’s role, etc.).
  3. Transformation –helping an organization go from their current level to their next level of growth by developing a new capacity to meet the needs of those it serves.
  4. Turnaround – there is a highly critical problem, an organization in crisis, that requires immediate change.

Deciding what type of change your organization needs today is one of the most important decisions any leader can make. Actually, great leaders who can determine the current and future needs of staff and those it serves have already achieved a decided advantage to those who can’t figure out how to best lead. It is the weaker leaders who wait until there is a fire to put out or crisis to solve before taking action. These are the least prepared to lead their staff to greater heights and accomplishments.